First Step

Open TinkerCode app in your browser

Click here to go to TinkerCode app!

Second Step

Drop setup/Adruino loop from Base Controller menu

Third Step

Go to Makerkit Nano and choose LCD 12c initialization

Fourth Step

Go to Makerkit Nano and choose set time  RTC block

Fifth Step

Duplicate set time RTC block

Sixth Step

Set the time and value for each block

Seventh Step

Go to variable and create variable name

Eighth Step

Drag set variable into Arduino loop column

Ninth Step

Go to text and choose “create text with” block

Tenth Step

Add item at create text with block

Eleventh Step

Go to Makerkit Nano and choose read RTC block

Twelfth Step

Duplicate “Read RTC ” block

Thirteenth Step

Go to text and choose the block ” ” block

Fourteenth Step

Duplicate the ” ” block

Fifteenth Step

Set the time for the date

Sixteenth Step

Duplicate the block

Seventeenth Step

Set the time for the time

Eighteenth Step

Go to variables and create new variable for time and date

Nineteenth Step

Change set to date and time

Twentieth Step

Go to Makerkit Nano and choose LCD12 set cursors block

Twenty first Step

Set the column

Twenty second Step

Go to Makerkit Nano and choose LCD12C print block

Twenty third Step

Delete the ” ” block

Twenty fourth Step

Go to variables and choose date block

Twenty fifth Step

Duplicate the LCD 12C set cursors block

Twenty sixth Step

Duplicate the LCD 12C print block

Twenty seventh Step

Change date to time

Twenty eighth Step

Set rows

Twenty ninth Step

Plug in Makerkit Nano to USB port

Thirtieth Step

Update board type and port

Final Step

Upload the code and wait until finish uploading

The Result

LCD show the date and time !